Friday, May 7, 2010



A theme of a life’s journey is presented in both The Kite Runner and in the montage. For example, The Kite Runner follows the journey of a young Afghan boy, Amir, whose decisions effect his growth into a Afghan man. The montage portrays Amir’s life journey by showing coming of age clips and using words for the Afghan culture that represents a young boy’s journey into a man. In addition, the novel puts a lot of emphasize on the relationships Amir creates with his “friend” Hassan and his father Baba. The montage reveals these relationships through various scenes of interaction between two Afghan boys and a father and son. Furthermore, the novel produces a theme of one’s life journey through the author’s unique form of writing, in which he puts much detail into the characters setting. The montage created uses relaxing music to create the childhood feel which is the main setting throughout the book. Through inspiring clips, calming music, and a hint of Afghan culture, our montage presents the life journey of Amir’s revealed in The Kite Runner.

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